Summer 2, Week 3!

At the end of last week, we were so excited when another four eggs hatched! We have been lucky to be able to look after five ducks before they go back to the farm!

We have enjoyed watching them spend time in their pen, as well as stroking and even holding them!
We thought carefully about what we need to do to look after them –
“They need clean water everyday.” – Arabella
“We cuddle them.” – Harry
“Stroke them.” – Diya
“They live in a cage so they don’t run away.” – Timothy
“They have special duckling food.” – Nika
“They cuddle each other.” – Sadie

Stars of the Week!
Sadie and Arabella
Well done to both girls who had some great ideas about how to look after the ducks, and spent lots of time talking to them, and enjoyed stroking and holding them.

Summer 2, Week 2!

A very special delivery!

As part of our Summer 2 ‘Growing and Changing’ topic, we were very excited to receive a delivery of 5 eggs on Tuesday.

We investigated different animals that hatch from eggs, and that helped us predict what might hatch out of ours! We learnt that lots of animals come from eggs. These are called oviparous animals! Take a look at our mind map of what we think might hatch out of the eggs…

We learnt that the eggs have to kept warm inside an incubator, until the animals hatch. We enjoyed looking carefully at the eggs, and we began to see cracks and hear cheeps from inside them…

On Wednesday morning, the first egg cracked completely open! We were so happy and excited to see a tiny, yellow duckling inside the incubator!

We are hoping that the other ducklings will hatch soon, and we will move them into a special hutch, with food, water, bedding and a special heat lamp to keep them warm.
Look out for more pictures on next week’s blog!

Stars of the Week!
Nika and Ryan

Nika and Ryan have enjoyed the beginning of our new topic.
Ryan has spent lots of time in our new farm role play area, engaging in imaginative play with his friends.
Nika enjoyed learning about animals that hatch from eggs, and has shown lots of care towards our newly hatched duckling!
Well done to both of you!

Summer 2, Week 1!

This week is Poetry Week at Cathedral School.

In Nursery we have been enjoying singing nursery rhymes, particularly ones about animals, as this links to our new ‘Growing and Changing’ topic!

We wrote our own ‘Who Am I?’ poems about animals of our choice . We chose an animal and thought about what it looks like, where it lives, and the sound it makes. We used our phonic knowledge to write key words, and drew a picture, to see if the reader can guess the animals we are writing about!

We have also been learning about repeating patterns. We made repeating pattern flowers and caterpillars, using 2, 3 or 4 colours. We know that we have to keep repeating the colours in the same order over and over again, to create a pattern!
Our flowers and caterpillars will form a Maths display in the school corridor! We will post a picture of the display once it is ready!

Stars of the Week!
All of the Nursery children

Well done to everyone for settling back in straight away, and for being ready to learn, in your last half term of Nursery!

History Day!

Nursery enjoyed a fun filled and busy History Day, learning about the Royal Family.
We created our own crowns, decorated crown biscuits and made fruit kebabs, that we enjoyed during our Royal Jubilee tea party afternoon, with the Reception Class!

Summer 1, Week 6!

Miss Bailey and Sara cannot believe that we have already completed the first part of the summer term!

This week we have enjoyed learning about Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family. We learnt that her Platinum Jubilee celebrates her 70 years on the throne!

We made celebration cards for her and have sent them to Buckingham Palace! We hope that she will reply!

We had a brilliant History Day! We made crowns and flags, and enjoyed a fabulous tea party with Reception, playing games and eating the fruit kebabs and biscuits that we made!
Photos of History Day are to follow!

Stars of the Week!
Marley and Tinbite

Well done to both children who have worked hard in Phonics this week, and have enjoyed writing independently in the writing area! Great work!

Summer 1, Week 5!

This week in Nursery we have been enjoying the lovely weather!

We have been eating our fruit in our outside classroom, and have been focussing on using the outside apparatus to develop our gross motor skills!

This week we have also been reading books, thinking about how they are structured. We have been using the pictures as prompts to help us talk about what is happening in the story, talking about how the characters are feeling, as well as discussing our favourite parts of stories. Reading books also helps us develop our phonics skills, as we look out for sounds and words that we know!

Stars of the Week!
Joyce and Harry

Both children have been super star readers this week. They both enjoyed reading different stories, talking about their favourite parts and looking for sounds and words that they know.

Well done Joyce and Harry!

Summer 1, Week 4!

All of the children have been working very hard this week, as we have been reviewing what they have already learnt this year in Phonics, Writing and Maths.

In RE this half term, we have been learning about Special Places. This week we thought about why the Church is a special place. We talked about visiting the Cathedral, and our own local churches.

We discussed what we do when we visit Church and what it is like:

“I sing there.” – Elishua
“Pray to God.” – Harry
“There’s a big cross for Jesus.” – Lottie
“I have a nice time!” – Diya
“I made a chick at Sunday School for Easter.” – Arabella
“I read a book about Jesus.” – Timothy

Stars of the Week!

Lottie and Elishua
Well done to both children for talking about their own experiences of visiting Church, what they do there and how it makes them feel. Lottie and Elishua were also able to talk about what they can see inside the Church, including crosses, Bibles and stained glass windows! Well done to both of you!

Summer 1, Week 3!

In Maths this week, we have been focussing on ordering objects according to size, and measuring using non-standard units of measure.

The children enjoyed hanging the socks on the washing line, ordering them according to size…

In our outside area, we planted flowers in the sand, and familiarised ourselves with language such as ‘biggest’, ‘smallest’, ‘tallest’ and ‘shortest’.

We also started to measure objects from around the classroom using non-standard units of measure such as lego bricks, counters and buttons…

“My water bottle was the longest because it used more bricks!” – Timothy

“The cup is shorter because it only had 3 bricks'” – Sadie

“The pencil was longer than the cup. It measured 10 buttons long!” – Diya

Stars of the Week
Diya and Timothy

Diya and Timothy have enjoyed measuring this week, using different resources from around the classroom such as buttons, duplo bricks and even pencils!
Both children were able to measure objects independently, and talk about the longest and shortest, using appropriate vocabulary.
Well done you two!

Summer 1, Week 2!

Nursery’s topic for this half term is ‘Excellent Explorers!’

This week we talked about what pirates do, and what we already know about them –
“They wear an eyepatch.” – Timothy
“They have a map.” – Leo
“Sail in a boat!” – Harry
“They look for treasure.” – Arabella
“A big pirate ship!” – Elishua
“They have a bird on their shoulder.” – Diya

Our role play area is a pirate ship. The children have enjoyed using it, and dressing up as pirates!

Our book corner is full of pirate, dinosaur and space books, so that we can find out about different types of explorers. We have enjoyed using our new book this week.

Stars of the Week
Arabella and Sadie

Well done to Arabella and Sadie who have made a fantastic start back at school. They remember the routines of the day, our class rules, and have been ready to learn! Well done girls!

Spring 2, Week 6!

An egg-cellent Stay & Play!

Today Nursery enjoyed the Easter Stay & Play! The children took part in lots of Easter craft activities with their grown ups, and enjoyed showing the adults around our inside and outside classrooms!

Stars of the Week
All of Nursery

Well done to all the Nursery children for completing another half term! Miss Bailey and Sara have enjoyed your learning develop!

Thank you to all the parents for your continued support, and we wish you a restful Easter break!