Spring 2 Week 4

Stars of the Week: All of Reception

Well done on another brilliant week Reception. You have all worked so hard during your assessments this week and have produced some excellent writing and maths work! You have all learnt and played beautifully together during this busy week, keep being a wonderful class!


Spring 2 Week 3

Stars of the Week: All of Reception!

Well done to everyone in Reception for an excellent week! We went to the Sea Life London aquarium this week and had a lovely time. We saw seahorses, rainbow fish, turtles and penguins (along with many more) during our visit! Children behaved very well and had a very memorable time. Take a look at some of our photos below.


World Book Day!

Reception had a wonderful World Book Day, it was lovely to see all children dressed up as different book characters! Thank you parents for all your hard work and support on this day, it really makes a difference to the children. Every child has completed a World Book Day piece of work,  where a photograph of themselves in costume has been stuck in and children have written about their outfit. Enjoy some of our photographs below!




Spring 2 Week 2: Reptile Life!

Stars of the Week: Ezra and Anusha

This week Reception got to see some very  special animals thanks to our visit from Animals UK! Children got to see, hold and stoke a range of different reptiles including a snake, bearded dragon and a tortoise! Well done to all children who behaved so well during our visit and were so brave with the animals. Take a look at our photos below.


Spring 2 Week 1- Habitats

This half term Reception are learning all about Habitats! We have started a new class text in English, The Rainbow Fish, and children wrote some descriptive sentences about the colourful scales they can see on the fish on the front cover. Reception are working hard on their sentences, really thinking about capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Stars of the week: Miriam and Albert

Spring 1 Week 6- Marvellous Measuring!

During our Maths sessions this week, Reception have been looking at length and height. Children have used cubes to make different length towers then we have worked on ordering them by height. Reception have also been introduced to rulers and have had a great time measuring different items- such as their partners foot, water bottles and books around the classroom!

Stars of the Week: Justin and Ruby

Spring 1 Week 5- History Day

Yesterday Reception had a wonderful time celebrating History Day with the rest of Cathedral School!  Our theme was ‘The History of Me’ and lots of children came in national dress outfits or colours which represented countries of their family.  Miss St Lewis came as Mary Seacole, a Jamaican born British nurse who helped many in the Crimean War and Sara dressed up Welsh costume to represent her mothers nationality. Here are some photos below, enjoy.

Stars of the Week: Jacob A and Ava

Spring 1 Week 3- Jesus Helps the Sick!


Stars of the week: Lennon and Heidi

This week in RE, Reception have been learning all about Jesus the healer. We read the story of how Jesus healed the paralyzed man and a man who could not see, discussing the miracle which had taken place! Reception then passed around the class teddy, who was also sick, and we all spoke about people who help us when aren’t feeling well. Reception then prayed for other children who are sick and need God’s help.


Spring 1 Week 2

Stars of the Week: Joshua and Yoki

This week Reception have been celebrating Chinese New Year! Children have enjoyed learning about the history of this festival and made some lovely lanterns and Chinese Dragon masks. Some children also produced some wonderful writing on how different people celebrate Chinese New Year with their families.