
Ranked #1 Primary School in London

Ranked #1 Primary School in London

The primary league tables were published yesterday and we were ranked the top primary school in
London, a feat never before achieved by the school.

There were 101 schools around the country who achieved 100% expected combined – then when they
are ranked in order of greater depth combined we are 5th in the country and 1st in London.


As we all know, exam results are just one measure of a school’s success, but nevertheless it is a
tremendous achievement and thanks to everyone who has made the school such a special place of
learning over the years.

Curriculum Evenings

Curriculum Evenings

As mentioned in the first newsletter this year, we are holding Curriculum Evenings for each class this week.
These evenings have been designed to inform you about your child’s learning this year, meet the teacher and support staff as well as help you to support your child’s learning at home.

No advance confirmation of attendance is necessary.
On the day, instead of collecting your child at 3.15pm, please let your child’s teacher know you are staying for the evening. They will then send your child to the supervised activities in a different part of the school. If you have more than one child at the school, please do this for them all.
Entry to the curriculum evening is directly through the respective classroom door at 3.30pm, which will give the teachers a few minutes to set up.
After the meeting, children will be brought back to the classrooms.

Thanks for your support with these informative evenings. We hope to see you there.

Y6 Leavers’ Service

Y6 Leavers’ Service

This week, Class 6 reflected on their time at Cathedral School during their Leavers’ Service at Southwark Cathedral. It was a wonderful service and they had thoughtfully written and prepared their memories, thanks and prayers and the readings were read beautifully. It was wonderful to hear their memories and thanks about their time spent at school and we are all extremely proud of how well they have done over the years.

As they transition into secondary school, they can leave Cathedral School feeling confident and ready for the next stage of their education and we wish them all the best. Their recent SATs results were brilliant and they all leave equipped with the skills and knowledge to have the best start to their secondary education.