School Blog

The Lion King, Jr

158670af36d279d722a864deb7e58635The Lion King Jr has been performed by Year 6 this week, supported by Year 6.

The Mayor of Southwark said it was the most professional production she had ever seen and Jim Eshelby, Head of Standards at Southwark council wrote to say this:


“Just a short note to say how much I enjoyed your production “The Lion King” on Tuesday.

The whole performance from the programme, scenery, sound effects to costumes and the cast was just a wonderful experience. Please pass on my thanks and congratulations to Class 6.

There were some fantastic performances from the cast overall… I had to keep reminding myself that you only have 25 year 6 pupils! It really was outstanding!

Anyway thank you again for a perfect way to end the term.”


A big thank you to everyone involved. Enjoy the last night, Year 6!


Southwark Teaching Awards 2015

Recently staff from school were invited to attend the Southwark Teaching Awards held at Southwark Cathedral. We are so proud to have received the following:

trophy A Good Practice Award for Outstanding Provision in the Early Years.

Carly Willis and Elisabeth Fullana were presented with Southwark Excellent Teacher Awards

Finally the whole school was presented with a Southwark Progress Award for progress in the top 2% of schools in the country.

Awards were presented by the Mayor of Southwark and nominated by the education department at Southwark Local Authority.

Sports Day 2015

Well done to everyone – children, parents and staff – who competed in this year’s Sports Day at Burgess Park. Everyone showed fantastic sportsmanship, effort and enthusiasm when competing in events such as javelin throwing, hurdling, egg and spoon balancing and relay racing. What a fun day in the sun!

What was your highlight of Sports Day 2015?

Road Safety

This week is Road Safety Week at Cathedral School.

Road SafetyIn assembly we thought about different ways to stay safe and over the week all pupils will be learning about keeping safe as they cross the road. Events include visits from a Road Safety Officer and Pedestrian Training for Years 4 and 5.

If you would like to read about the Highway Code for young road users please click on the link.

Why not test your knowledge with some online activities?

For a full range of activities for your age group please visit the Think Education website for videos, activities, games, stories and information.

What are you tips for staying safe on the roads?

The Think! Education website also information for parents about how to help keep children safe on the road and home-link sheets to complete with your child related to the classroom activities that your child might have completed in school. In addition you can order free road safety resources on the Department for Transport catalogue.



International Evening 2015

Huge congratulations to all of the children, parents and staff who contributed to Cathedral Primary School’s International Evening on Thursday 21st May. This sell-out evening was an opportunity to celebrate our wonderfully diverse school community through song, drama, dance, music and spoken word. The performances were extremely accomplished and included African drumming, Scottish dancing, a lesson in Tamil, a French song, a recital of an ancient Egyptian text as will as Azonto dancing, some instrumental performances and a performance from the Cathedral School Choir.

Mr Scott compered the show and the Cathedral School Staff Choir started the evening off with their rendition of The Little Birds from Jamaica while one of the Year 3 children performed a Nigerian song with her mum. We were also treated to some impromptu Azonto dancing from some very talented mums!

International Evening is also an opportunity to get together as a school community and taste a variety of foods from around the world, many thanks to all of the parents and staff who provided the food for the interval.

All the staff at Cathedral are incredibly proud of the children and believe that International Evening is an important way to showcase the quality of our arts provision. It is also a chance to demonstrate our commitment to developing International links and celebrate our own diverse community.

Finally we would once again like to thank all the performers, parents and staff who contributed to a superb evening.

Photos will be available soon.

We would love to hear your reflections of International Evening 2015 – please leave a comment.

If you would like to see what individual classes have been learning during International Week please see individual class blogs.

Cathedral School Election Poll

Years 1 to 6 today were shown videos summarising the policies of the 5 main political parties of England. Afterwards, we held a poll in each class and these are the results. The statement on the ballet sheet was: ‘Choose your preferred party’.

UK Poll ballot UK Poll

If these results were to be replicated across the UK today in terms of seats gained by parties, a Labour and Green coalition would be the likeliest make-up of Government.

Meeting the Risen Jesus

Thank you to Father Michael Rawson and Year 5 who led our worship at Southwark Cathedral last Friday. The theme for the service was ‘Meeting the Risen Jesus’ and focused on people overcoming their doubt. The worship centred around the stories in the Bible that occurred after Jesus had risen from the dead.

The congregation felt the children’s reflections and prayers were very mature.

Our Father,
As Jesus called Mary by name outside the tomb, we know that you speak our names, for you love us all, no matter who we are, what we do, or where we live. We know that your ever-lasting love can hold us together for all eternity. You are our Rabboni, (our teacher) and our glorifying Lord. Forever we will remember your sacrifice.

by Priya


Dear God,
We thank you for sending the perfect role model down to this solemn planet which we walk upon. Your love is one perfect beam of adoration and passion. Your kingdom is better than any one place or thing. Your skills are never ending and you are the one true lord. Send us confidence as you sent confidence to the fishermen on the Sea of Galilee so long ago. We praise you and hope you grant us everlasting confidence.

By Nana Yaa

For more photos of the service please visit the Class 5’s blog.

We would love to hear your reflections on Class 5’s Service

One of the best in the country for pupil progress and achievement

The school has received national recognition for the value it adds to its pupils’ high achievement in the key stage 2 tests.

EOA 2014The SSAT Educational Outcomes award comes as a result of in-depth analysis of official Department for Education data on all state-funded schools in England by SSAT. This analysis identified The Cathedral School of St Saviour and St Mary Overy’s success as being in the top 20% of schools nationally for children’s progress and high attainment for all children in the end of KS2 SATs 2014.

Sue Williamson, Chief Executive of SSAT said; ‘The Cathedral School of St Saviour and St Mary Overy should be congratulated for their exceptional achievements. They have proved themselves to be leading the field in improving outcomes for their children. These results are testament to the commitment and hard work of the children, teachers and leadership team at the school and show what can be achieved when skilled teachers have high expectations and ambition for every young person. I am proud that this school is a member of the SSAT national network’.

Health and Safety Award

Last term we underwent an in-depth audit of the school’s management of health and safety, which was benchmarked against best practice set out by the Health and Safety Executive.

As a result the school’s management of health and safety has been recognised with a ‘School Safety Award’.

We are delighted to have received it as the safety of the children is of paramount importance to the life of the school.

School Safety Award Logo 2015 (1)There are a great many things we have to do receive an award like this and here are some of the things which are essential to the safe running of the school:

• Classrooms and corridors which are tidy and well-maintained.
• Consistent whole-school routines throughout the school day.
• Robust risk assessment system in place.
• An established timetable of regular checks of the premises.

We are never complacent, in any area of school, and especially where safety is concerned. So, if you have any suggestions for further improvement in this vein, please contact the school office.

500 Words Short Story Competition

500 words
Well done to all of those who entered the BBC’s 500 words short story competition. Overall the judges received over 120,000 entries and we would like to congratulate Eleanor and Faber in Year 6, Jack in Year 4 and Sylvie in Year 3 whose stories have been picked – with just 3,800 others – to go to the Reading Agency for the second round of judging. Have a look at the comments below to see the stories they entered.  We will find out how they get on in May.

Well done to everyone who entered as we are told the competition was fierce. The overwhelming response was that the standard was extremely high this year. The judges had a GREAT time marking the stories, so our writers should feel very proud.