Summer 1, Week 3!

This week we studied the painting ‘The Starry Night’ by Vincent van Gogh. We looked carefully at it and talked about what we could see. We thought about why these colours had been used, and how the painting made us feel.

We then created our own starry night paintings, using tinfoil, pains, cotton buds and paintbrushes. We created swirls, lines and marks with the cotton buds, looking carefully at the colours used in the painting. We then used black paint and paintbrushes to create shapes and buildings.

Take a look at our fantastic creations below!

Eliza and Leonardo
This week, both Eliza and Leonardo have enjoyed being artists, creating their own ‘The Starry Night’ paintings. They were able to talk about what they could see in the painting, and how it made them feel.
Both children have also enjoyed making rockets in our workshop this week, demonstrating a range of skills independently, including using scissors to cut, sticking with both glue and masking tape, as well as creating their own design onto their rocket.
Well done Eliza and Leonardo!

Summer 1, Week 2!

In RE this half term, we will be exploring one of our school values ‘Peace’.
This week we thought about why the home is a special place for Christians.
Sara explained to us what she does at home as a Christian, and why her home is a special place for her and her family.

Sara told us that she prays with her family every morning, they read The Bible together, and that she wears a cross to remind her that God is always with her.

We thought about why are homes are special to us…
“Because my family live there.”
“Because I play with my toys with my mummy and daddy.”
“Because I feel safe.”
“Because I watch a movie.”

Oro and Florence
Well done to Oro and Florence who both enjoyed listening to Sara talk about her life as a CHristian. Both children were able to ask Sara relevant questions, and were able to talk about why their own homes are special to them.
Well done Oro and Florence!

Summer 1, Week 1!

The children have all come back to school and settled back in brilliantly! The Nursery staff have been really impressed with how quickly they have got back into the daily routine, and it has been lovely to see them enjoying the different provision areas in the classroom.

Our topic this term is ‘Excellent Explorers’. The children have already been thinking about what an explorer is, and the different types of explorers there are.

Our role play area this half term is space themed, with astronaut suits, a rocket and a construction area to build our own aliens!

Our book corner is also explorer themed this term, with a selection of both fiction and non-fiction books about topics such as space, pirates and jungle explorers!

Caragh and Iker
Well done to both Caragh and Iker, who have settled back into the school routine, and have enjoyed exploring our new topic this week, by spending time in both the role play area and the book corner.
Great work both of you!

Spring 2, Week 6!

Thank you to all our Nursery families for supporting the children in the various Easter activities that have been held this week. The children enjoyed you all visiting our classroom for Stay and Play and joining in with the Easter crafts. We are also so proud of them after their fantastic performance at the Cathedral this morning!

Please see some photos of our Stay and Play session below, and we hope you all have a lovely Easter break!

Spring 2, Week 5!

In Nursery this week, we have been learning about repeating patterns.
We learnt that a pattern is a series that is repeated more than once.

We began by looking at 2 colour repeating patterns, moving on to 3 colours.

We made our own repeating patterns with the compare bears, and then transferred these to paper.

Later this week we are creating our own repeating pattern caterpillars! Keep a look out for them in next week’s blog post!

Oro and Alexandra!
Both Oro and Alexandra enjoyed participating in this week’s pattern activities. Both girls were able to use 3 colours to create their own repeating pattern with the compare bears, and enjoyed creating their own patterns independently at the Math’s challenge table!
Great work, girls!

Spring 2, Week 4!

In Expressive Arts and Design this week, we have explored the painting called ‘Little Blue Horse’ by artist Franz Marc.
We talked about what an artist is, and what we could see in the painting, including the shapes and colours.
We read ‘The Artist Who Painted A Blue Horse’ by Eric Carle – a book inspired by Franz Marc’s painting.
We looked at the different animals and bright colours used in the book, and created our own brightly coloured, collaged animals. These included a yellow cow, a purple rabbit and a green tiger!

Billie and Florence
Both girls really enjoyed reading the story of the Little Blue Horse this week, and put a great deal of effort into creating their own collaged animals – a pink unicorn and a blue horse!
Well done girls!

Spring 2, Week 3!

A Brilliant Book Week!

Nursery have had a fantastic time celebrating our pirate themed Book Week!

We have had lots of pirate themed activities in our classroom, we have read pirate stories, Year 3 came to our classroom to read and share stories with us, and of course we are looking forward to dressing up as pirates on Friday!

This week the children have been interested in treasure and treasure maps, and as a class we thought about what the word ‘treasure’ means. We decided that it meant something that was precious, and we had a class discussion about things that are precious to us. The children came up with lots of brilliant ideas including their families and friends, their favourite toys, pets and even their favourite toys!

We looked at different treasure, including beads, gems and coins, thinking about what they looked like, including their shape, colour, and any patterns or numbers they had on them.

After looking at the coins, we created our own treasure coin showing something that we “treasure” or something that is special to us. The children enjoyed drawing their families and friends and their favorite toys or activities. They then added some glitter and gems, so that their coins would sparkle like real treasure!

Take a look below at our special treasure coins…

We still have lots to look forward to during the rest of Book Week, so please come back next week to see more photos!

Lorenzo and Leo
Both boys have thoroughly enjoyed our pirate themed book week. They have shown lots of enthusiasm when participating in the different activities, and came up with lovely ideas for their treasure coins.
Well done boys!

Spring 2, Week 2!

This week in Nursery we have started to think about how the season is changing from winter to spring. We have also started our new RE topic ‘New Life’, in which we learn about the story of Easter.

We have talked about the changes that happen around us when the season changes to spring, and the children were able to discuss how the weather gets slightly warmer, the trees start to grow back their leaves and blossom, and flowers such as daffodils begin to appear.

At the end of last week, the children created their own daffodil collages, using tissue paper and paint. They cut tissue paper to make a stem and leaves, and used a fork to print the petals.

Take a look at our wonderful art work below…

Eliza and Iker
Well done to Eliza and Iker who both did some brilliant number work this week, adding and taking one away from any number up to 10, without the aid of a number line. Well done you two!

Spring 2, Week 1!

Welcome to the second half of the spring term in Nursery!

Our topic is ‘Amazing Animals’, and we have been already learning about different animals, and where they live.

Our Reading Garden has an animal theme this half term, and the children are enjoying looking through both fiction and non-fiction animal books, as well as telling their own stories with the animal puppets!

Our role play area is a farm and farm shop. The children have enjoyed exploring and engaging with their friends to create their own narratives.


Isla and Caragh
Well done to Isla and Caragh who have had a fantastic first week back, settling back in and remembering our class rules. Both girls have enjoyed engaging in imaginative play in the farm role play area, and were able to talk about the types of animals we might find on the farm.