Spring 2, Week 4!

During this half term, we have learnt about different people within our community who help us, including postal workers, firefighters, hospital workers, vets and the police!

This week we made a class book about what we would like to be when we grow up. We can’t wait for our grown ups to see it at Parent’s Evening!

Oro and Alexandra
Alexandra has had a great start to Nursery. She has enjoyed exploring the classroom and making new friends. She understands the rules of the classroom, and follows instructions the first time she is asked.
Oro has enjoyed using our independent writing area this half term, and has been applying her phonic knowledge to write cards and label pictures.
Well done Oro and Alexandra!

Spring 1, Week 3!

This week we read the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’, and talked about the choice he made, and how it impacted others.

The children recognised that he made a kind choice to help someone else. We thought about how we could be kind like the Good Samaritan…
“Play nicely with my friends.”
“Share my toys with my sister.”
“Give my friends a hug.”
“Do the right thing.”

In Nursery we always try to make kind choices everyday.

Florence and Leonardo!
Both children are this week’s superstars, for always showing kindness towards others, and for being super helpful around the classroom!
Well done Florence and Leonardo!

Spring 1, Week 2!

This week in Nursery, we have been thinking about the change in weather. We have talked about the season of winter, and how the world around us changes.
We know that the temperature is much colder and we have to wrap up warm when we go outside! We also know that the trees lose all their leaves, and the sky is often filled with clouds. This week we have also noticed ice outside!

We created some beautiful art work this week, based on the theme of winter. We carefully cut and glued tissue paper to form a winter fir shaped tree. We then finger painted snow onto the tree, to give it an extra winter effect!
Take a look at our creations below:

Billie and Lorenzo!
Billie and Lorenzo have really enjoyed spending time in our role play area this week, which is a doctor’s surgery, linked to our ‘Real Life Superheroes’ topic. Both children have engaged in some fantastic imaginative play, acting out a narrative and working cooperatively.
Well done to Billie and Lorenzo!

Spring 1, Week 1!

Happy new year to all our families, and we hope you had a lovely Christmas!

The Nursery children have settled back into school beautifully this week, and have enjoyed exploring the classroom and interacting with their friends and staff!

This half term our topic is ‘Real Life Superheroes’, and we will be thinking and learning about the different people who help us in our community.

This week we enjoyed reading ‘The Jolly Postman’, and learnt about the role of postal workers, and how important they are in our community. We talked about the different types of post you can receive, and the children have enjoyed writing letters and postcards in our independent writing area, and posting them in our post box.

We also made ‘Thank You’ cards for our grown ups, as we talked about how important they are, and the ways in which they help us!

As the half term goes on, we will learn about other important roles within our community, including the emergency services, vets and construction workers!

Eliza and Leo
Well done to Eliza and Leo, who have both settled back into school really well, remembering the routines of the day and following the class rules.
Both children also worked really hard during Phonics sessions this week, and put in lots of effort to apply their phonic knowledge when writing their thank you cards.
Well done both of you!

Autumn 2, Week 7!

It has been a week of festive fun in Nursery!

We have performed our Nativity; hosted our Christmas Stay and Play for our grown ups; enjoyed our Christmas party, as well as eaten a special Christmas dinner!

Miss Bailey, Sara and Debbie were so proud of how well the children performed The Nativity! Everyone sang and joined in with the actions beautifully!
Please look out for a video and photos of the performance on the blog next week!

Thank you to all the grown ups that came to our Christmas Stay and Play session! We hope you had lots of fun joining in with all the Christmas crafts!

Everyone in Nursery!
Well done to all the children, not only for a great Nativity performance, but also for a great second half of the Autumn term! Miss Bailey, Sara and Debbie can all see how much progress the children have made since September, and we are so proud of all of you!
We wish all of our Nursery families a very merry Christmas, and a happy and healthy 2024!

Autumn 2, Week 5!

This week we have been exploring 2D shapes, learning about their different properties and using the correct mathematical vocabulary to name them.

We used this knowledge to help us create our own shape snowmen. We selected the shapes we wanted to use for the head and body, and arranged them on the paper to make a snowman, adding arms and legs!

The children enjoyed selecting the different shapes to make their snowmen, and are now all more confident in naming 2D shapes and discussing their properties.

Isla and Iker
Both children enjoyed taking part in our shape activity, demonstrating enthusiasm and confidence. Isla and Iker could both name a variety of 2D shapes, and are beginning to be able to discuss their properties independently.
Well done both of you!

Autumn 2, Week 3!

In Nursery this week, we have learnt about Diwali. We know it is the five day Festival of Lights, celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world.

We read the story ‘Dipal’s Diwali’, and learnt that families prepare for Diwali by wearing special clothes, preparing delicious foods, and decorating their homes with colourful decorations and diva lamps.

We learnt about mehndi – a body art tradition where patterns are drawn onto the arms and hands.
We also read about rangoli patterns – bright patterns created on the floor to welcome visitors into the home during Diwali.

After reading the story, we made our own rangoli patterns, and created our own mehndi art. Take a look at our creation…

Please visit back next week to see our diva lamps!

Florence and Oro
Both children enjoyed learning about Diwali, and used their artistic flair when designing their rangoli patterns and mehndi designs!
Well done you two!

Autumn 2, Week 2!

This half term our topic is ‘Traditional Tales’. The children have enjoyed being introduced to ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, and taking part in activities linked with the topic.

Our role play area is currently the three bear’s cottage. The children have enjoyed wearing masks and using props to act out the story!

Our book corner is full of traditional tales, as well as pops and puppets for the children to act out the different stories. So far, favourites have included ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’!

We enjoyed making The Three Bear’s porridge in the water tray, as well as acting out our own traditional tales in the small world provision!

Caragh and Leo
Both children have enjoyed our new topic, and Miss Bailey has been impressed with their enthusiasm this week. Leo has been able to narrate his own dragon stories in our small world provision, using the props and resources available. Caragh has enjoyed explaining and demonstrating how to make porridge in the water tray, as well as making a Goldilocks stick puppet independently in our workshop.
Well done you two!

Autumn 1, Week 7!

This week we have been exploring musical instruments!
Everyone enjoyed using a variety of instruments, and learning their names! We talked about the different sounds they make, and whether they were loud or quiet, hard or soft.

We then made our own musical shakers, filling bottles with pasta or small beads, and decorating them! We learnt that if we wanted a loud shaker, we had to fill it with pasta, and if we wanted a quieter shaker, we had to fill it with the beads.

We then enjoyed using our shakers in different ways – shaking them hard, then a bit more softly, as well as fast and slow!

Everyone in Nursery!
Wow! Miss Bailey, Sara and Debbie can’t believe we are at the end of our first half term in Nursery!
We are so proud of how well all of the children have settled into school, learning the daily routine so quickly, and establishing great relationships with both the staff and their peers!
Well done everyone, enjoy the half term break!