School Blog

Cathedral School Literacy Survey Results

Thank you to all of the people who responded to our Cathedral School Literacy Survey. You all made some very positive and helpful comments. Through your answers, you have shown that you enjoy a great range of fun and engaging activities and that you especially like writing stories. You have let us know how much you value the marking, comments and feedback you get from others at school about how to make your work even better. You also told us that you like working through your targets which help you know what you need to do to improve. Thank you for your comments about how to make Literacy even better, we will take them into account!

Here are just a few of the comments that were made in response to the survey. Have a look at the English Blog to see many more.

“I like when we plan for the next day.”

“Sometimes we get to write stories and our teacher makes our minds go wild.”

“We always learn something new.”

“That we can learn lots of fun and interesting things.”

“I get very positive marking.”

“I feel happy.”

“Miss Hayfield has a smile on her face.”

“I check my writing very carefully, see if  I made any spelling mistakes and change the word.”

Competition Winners

Before Easter Year 5 and 6 worked with Molly, our Mandarin teacher to design Chinese New Year Card. They entered a competition run by the Confucius Institute at London South Bank University and one of the children won a first prize, while two more children collected a third prize. We are very proud of this achievement as the university received hundreds of entries from a variety of schools. Mrs Scott, Governor Parry and Molly presented the children with a certificates and special prizes.

We value your suggestions

Many thanks to all of the parents who were involved in the River Walk to raise money for school sports.  There was a fantastic turn out, even in the rain and everyone at school is very grateful for all the hard work and effort to support PE at Cathedral School.  It will help us buy equipment and continue to develop sporting activities further.

Some of the money raised will be used to buy new mats for gymnastics across all classes.

As a school we really value feedback and would like to invite you to suggest other ways we could use the money raised. If you would like to make a suggestion please comment on this blog.

Many thanks!

River Walk Update

Many thanks to the Parent Forum for organising The Cathedral School River Walk. Over 60 children, accompanied by their parents braved the wet weather to walk from Lambeth Bridge to Tower Bridge,  thankfully there was a short walk and a long walk option! As well as enjoying the sights and having a chat, there was also the chance to take part in a London Quiz, designed especially for the event (answers to the quiz will be available on the website soon).

The sponsored walk has raised money to support sports provision in school; as soon as we have the final total rasied we will consult School Council and update you on how the money will be spent.

If you have sponsor money to hand in, please put it in an envelope labelled “River Walk Sponsor Money”, along with your child’s name and class and hand it in to the office.



We were overwhelmed by the positive response to The River Walk and wish to thank all parents, children and governors who supported the event. If you were unable to attend the walk this year you will be pleased to hear that Parent Forum are already planning 2014’s route!

Tell us about your experiences on the walk, please leave a comment.

Book Week is here!!

Book week has started at Cathedral School and we are all having a fantastic time writing stories, looking at books and sharing them.  Year 1 have had a lovely time this morning in the Library sharing books with each other and a range of adults.

At Cathedral School we are dedicated to developing the children’s enthusiasm and engagement in reading.  As well as the enjoyment and learning we all get from reading a good book, a recent long term study has shown that the most reliable indicator of a child’s future success is whether or not they read for pleasure. These studies show that children who do so are significantly more likely as adults to be in continued employment, be IT literate, trust others in their community and vote.

During the week the children will be engaged in a variety of book related activities such as story writing competitions, reading with children from other classes, chatting to significant authors online, voting for favourite books and preparing performance storytelling to record and share with other classes.

We will celebrate World book day on Friday 8th  March (not on the official World book day which is the 7th) by dressing up as a book character. If your child would like to dress up as a book character please could they bring £2 to school in an envelope marked book week.

We really hope that you and children enjoy the activities we have lined up for book week.


The Cathedral School Motto: “Life in all its fullness”

The Staff, Governors and Children of Cathedral School though very hard about a motto that would sum up Cathedral School.  We thought about what we are trying to help each other learn at school and what school means to us.

In the Bible, John 10 vs 10 tell us that Jesus said “I have come that they may have life in all its fullness.”   Everyone agreed that this would be a fantastic motto for our school.

Life in all its fullness is about living a varied and full life full of learning, growing, helping, reward, joy, excitement and caring for each other. At school we aim to help each other to learn how to do this.  It is not always easy to live life in this way and so we help each other with the challenges that come along the way.  As a Church of England School we also look to Jesus to help and guide us.

At school we have reflected on what “Life in all its fullness” means to us. Here are some examples of our reflections:

“Help and care for each other.  When someone falls over help them get up or help them when they are sad.”

“Make the most of your opportunities, always do your best with your work and in play.”

“Do your best to do everything you can do, try to listen carefully and work hard.”

“”You just be yourself and follow the path of God.”

“We should all help each other to be better people, let them know the right thing to do.”

“Life in all it’s fullness is a life where Jesus loves us and helps us live our lives to the full.”

What does “Life in all its fullness” mean to you?  Please leave a comment below.




Poetry Platform

Congratulations to the children of Cathedral School who performed at The Poetry Platform, John Harvard Library as part of Southwark’s Rhyme and Reason Poetry Festival on Thursday 14th February. The event was hosted by acclaimed poet and storyteller Sandra Agard. If you performed at the festival please tell us about you experience.