The Magic of Plant Growth

Class 2 have been learning about the Growth Cycle in plants.

Watch these two videos to witness the magical process of plant growth.

Think to yourself: What things do plants need to grow?

What is the first thing to grow on a plant?

What is the last thing to grow on a plant?


Sp2Wk2 Homework

Weekly Spellings – words with double consonants

Below are the spellings for this week’s Spelling Test in Class 2. The theme for this week’s spellings is: words with double consonants.

Words with double consonants

  1. really
  2. silly
  3. apple
  4. dinner
  5. messy
  6. funny
  7. little
  8. Summer (it has a capital letter because it’s a name of a season)
  9. coffee
  10. comma

Extension Challenge

  1. skipping
  2. hissing
  3. running
  4. popping
  5. wrapping
  6. flapping

Additional writing challenge – write these words in a command (a command is an instruction)

Wash the apple before you eat it.


Arithmetic – Doubling and Halving numbers to 20

Below is an outline of how to develop doubling and halving skills:


  1. Write all the numbers from 1 – 10 in order.
  2. Underneath these numbers, write what double that number is.

Extension Challenge

  1. Write the numbers from 1 – 5 in order.
  2. Next to these numbers, write what 10 x the number is, e.g. 1 – 10, 2 – 20, etc
  3. Underneath each number, write what double that number is, e.g. double 1 is 2 so double 10 is 20. 


  1. Count up in 2s from 0 – 20, e.g. 0, 2, 4, etc
  2. Underneath these numbers, write what half that number is (look at your doubling pattern for help).

Extension Challenge

  1. Count up in 2s from 0 – 10, e.g. 0, 2, 4, etc
  2. Write the numbers from 2 – 10 in order.
  3. Next to these numbers, write what 10 x the number is, e.g. 2 – 20, 4 – 40 etc
  4. Underneath each number, write what half that number is, e.g. halve of 2 is 1 so halve of 20 is 10.

The tests will be on Friday 4th March.

SPaG – Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar



Below you can find some questions that will help you to revise spelling, punctuation and grammar.


Click on the link to learn about contractions

Click on the link to learn more on contractions

Click on the link to learn about plural – es



Click on the link to learn about commas in a list

Click on the link to learn about punctuation between sentences

Click on the link to learn about punctuation between sentences

Click on the link to learn about capital letters



Word Types

Click on the link to learn about word types

Click on the link to learn more on word types

Click on the link to learn about nouns

Click on the link to learn about subordinate conjunctions

Click on the link to learn about verbs


Sentence Types

Click on the link to learn about sentence types

Click on the link to learn more about sentence types

Click on the link to learn about questions



Click on the link to learn about past, present and future tense

Click on the link to learn more about past and present tense

Click on the link to learn even more about past and present tense

Click on the link to learn about verb tense

Click on the link to learn more about verb tense


Sp2Wk1 Homework

Please note that P.E. will be on Thursdays during the Spring2 half term.


Weekly Spellings – words with suffixes

Below are the spellings for this week’s Spelling Test in Class 2. The theme for this week’s spellings is – words with suffixes. The children need to know the spelling of all words, however the test will only include the words with the suffix.

-ful suffix

  1. colour – colourful
  2. beauty – beautiful
  3. wonder – wonderful
  4. power – powerful

-ness suffix

  1. happy – happiness
  2. sad – sadness
  3. kind – kindness

-less suffix

  1. home – homeless
  2. power – powerless
  3. care – careless

Extension Challenge

  1. delight – delightful
  2. thought – thoughtful
  3. sick – sickness
  4. friendly – friendliness
  5. thought – thoughtless
  6. use – useless

Additional writing challenge – write these words in a question

What makes the garden so beautiful?


Arithmetic – Number bonds to 20

Below is an outline of how to develop number bond skills:

  1. Add together all numbers that = 20, e.g. 0 + 20 = 20, 1 + 19 = 20
  2. Write all calculations with the answer at the front (20 = 4 + 16) and at the end (4 + 16 = 20) of the number sentence
  3. Write related subtraction facts, e.g. 4 + 16 = 20 so 20 – 16 = 4 and 20 – 4 = 16

Extension Challenge

Complete addition calculations with missing numbers, e.g. __ + 5 = 20 and 3 + __ = 20 and 20 = 6 + __ and 20 = __ + 15.

Complete subtraction calculations with missing numbers, e.g. __ – 5 = 15 and 20 – __ = 13.


The tests will be on Friday 26th February.

Journey by Aaron Becker

During the Spring2 half term, Class 2 will be studying the book Journey written by Aaron Becker. It is a wordless book so the class will be able to think creatively when they are working through the story. They will also be able to relate ideas in the book to experiences in their own life.

The book will help the class to write more creatively using ideas inspired by the story.

You can look through the story using this video:

The Great Fire of London

The Great Fire of London is one of the most important events that ever happened in our city and Class 2 will be learning all about it during the Spring2 half term.

The fire happened almost 400 years ago but we still remember it today because of how important it was.

Image result for the great fire of london ks1

We even have a monument close to us that remembers the fire. You can walk across London Bridge to see it.

Image result for monument london

Samuel Pepys became famous because of the diary he kept about the Great Fire.



Click here to see some drawings of the Great Fire (cameras weren’t invented then so there are no photos of the fire).

Click here to play a game that will teach you all about the Great Fire.

Click here and here to learn some facts about the fire.


Watch these videos to learn more about the Great Fire of London.


You can read our assembly script here Fire of London Assembly

Sp1Wk6 Homework

Weekly Spellings – alternative spelling patterns for words with a l sound

Below are the spellings for this week’s Spelling Test in Class 2. The theme for this week’s spellings is – alternative spellings for words with the l sound.

Alternative spellings for words with the l sound
1. table
2. apple
3. little
4. camel
5. tunnel
6. middle
7. metal
8. pedal
9. pupil
10. fossil

Extension Challenge – further examples
1. bottle
2. bubble
3. towel
4. travel
5. animal
6. capital

Additional writing challenge – write these words in a command (commands are instructions)
Sit nicely at the dinner table.
Don’t touch stray animals.


Arithmetic – units of measure used in the world around us
Below is an outline of how to build understanding of units of measure
1. Look for liquids in bottles (they might be around your home or in the local supermarket). What unit of measure do they have? What letters are used after the number to show you how much liquid is in the bottle? What do these letters mean?
2. Look for things in tins, boxes and jars (they might be around your home or in the local supermarket). What unit of measure do they have? What letters are used after the number to show you how heavy they are? What do these letters mean?
3. Use a ruler to measure things around your home. What letters are used after the number to show you how long objects are? What do these letters mean?

Extension Challenge
Comparing measures using the greater than sign > and the lesser than sign <
4. Compare two things with the same unit of measure, e.g. the tin of tomatoes (400g) < the box of cornflakes (750g)
5. Find two things with an equal weight or capacity, e.g. the carton of milk (500ml) = the bottle of orange juice (500ml)

The tests will be on Friday 12th February.

Prayer in Class 2


In Class 2, the children have been learning about praying. They have been learning about the meaning of special prayers and how people pray.

The children have been learning about the Lord’s Prayer. In school, everyone recites the Lord’s Prayer at the end of assembly and Class 2 have been learning about the meaning of every sentence in the prayer.

The children in Class 2 have the chance to lead prayers in class twice every day. Before lunch, one child will lead the whole class in a prayer of thanks for the food they are about to eat. Before the end of the school day, another child will lead the class in a prayer of thanks about the things we are grateful for.